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Have Your Say - National Rental Enquiry

Have You Say - National Rental Enquiry

REIWA and the Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA) are calling for investors to have their say regarding the Senate inquiry into the worsening rental crisis in Australia. 

REIWA CEO Cath Hart urged Western Australian property investors to take part in the submission, which closes on 4 August. 

"REIWA and REIA are making submissions to this important Senate inquiry and this is another opportunity for investors to be heard," she said. 

"Investors are the bedrock of the rental market – about 85 per cent of rental properties are provided by private investors and about 70 per cent of these investors only own one property. 

"WA's current rental crisis is caused by demand exceeding supply. WA has already seen a significant number of investors leave the market in the past few years. 

"We need an environment that encourages, not discourages investment. If investors aren't confident about property, they will put their money into other assets and rental queues will remain long." 

Read the full article on the REIWA website