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Home Sweet Woof: Navigating Pet-Inclusive Rentals Like a Pro

As Asset Managers, we understand that trying to find rental accommodation when you own a pet can be tough, particularly in a tight rental market, but it is possible. We've put together REIWA's top tips on renting with pets.

If you're a landlord looking to make the switch, scroll to the end for information on moving your property management to Halyn.
Tip 1 : Be Upfront

As a tenant it is always best to be upfront with the asset manager and owner about your situation.

If tenants are forced to give up a pet because their landlord does not allow it, it’s almost always because the pet was obtained after the lease was signed or wasn’t declared in the first instance.

Tip 2 : References Help

A good way to sway favour in your direction is to provide references for your animal(s).

A positive letter from a previous land owner or asset manager is viewed very favourably and can help considerably with the approval of your application.

Tip 3 : Approval is Case by Case

If you receive approval for a particular animal, then approval is for that animal only.

Further approval must be sought for additional animals or a replacement pet if the original one dies or moves out.

Tip 4 : Enquire About a Pet Bond

Under the RTA, a pet bond of $260 may be taken if approval is given for a dog or cat.

This money can only be used for fumigation where required. Any repairs to damage caused by the animal that is not rectified by the tenants at the end of the lease will be deducted from the main bond.

So Where To From Here? 

For more information on pets and rentals, pop on to the REIWA website.

Amendments to the Residential Tenancy Act to allow pets in all rental properties are forecast to come into effect in late 2024 - good news for our furry friends!

Information for Landlords:

Do you want to make the switch to using Halyn as your managing agent?

It's simple! Call us on 1300 149 116 and our team can take care of the switch for you.

After engaging our Residential Asset Management specialists, we will work with your previous property manager to collect all the information and keys for the property and notify your tenant of the change.